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Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookies


The website (the Site) is governed by these Terms of Use.
The access to the Site constitutes an acceptance of these Terms of Use.


The Site is provided by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Swissmem and the University of Geneva (together SwissILO).
Any liability of SwissILO for damages due to or in connection with the access and / or use of the Site is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
In no event shall SwissILO be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages, loss of profit or expected savings, loss of data, interruption of the business, loss of goodwill, third party claims, as well as  exemplary damages.

No guarantee

The content and information published on the Site are provided "as is" without warranties or representations of any kind.
SwissILO rejects and excludes all warranties or express or implied representations, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the Site to the fullest extent permitted by law.
In particular, SwissILO makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, regarding the relevance, accuracy, quality, completeness or existence of the content and information published on the Site, regarding the technical accessibility, suitability or blamelessness of the Site or that the use of the content and information published on the Site will not infringe any rights of third parties.


SwissILO reserves the right to make changes to the Site in any manner whatsoever, at any time and for any reason whatsoever and without notice.

Intellectual property rights

Copyright and all other rights relating to the texts, illustrations, pictures and other data published on the Website are the exclusive property of their owners or have been obtained in the form of a license.
Reproduction is subject to the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

References and Links

Referrals and links to other websites are not the responsibility of SwissILO. Access to these sites and their use are at the risk of users. SwissILO expressly declares that it has no influence on the form, content and offers of the sites to which it refers.
The information and services offered by these sites are entirely the responsibility of their authors.

Privacy policy

Data controller
The SERI, the EPFL, the PSI, Swissmem and the University of Geneva are joint controllers and each entity is responsible for the data it processes. They can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who is entitled to act on behalf of the others to provide information to the data subjects and respond to the request submitted by a data subject or an authority.

For this privacy, we refer to the above controllers as SwissILO.

Categories of personal data and purposes
When you visit the Site, SwissILO collects information regarding the use of the Site, including, date and hour of your visit, browser used, location, volume of data transmitted, links followed, visited web pages and content, duration of the visit, IP address, type of device used, a unique device identifier, as any information shared with SwissILO. This personal data is processed to allow the use of the Site and optimize it. It relies on the SwissILO’s legitimate interest to have a well-functioning Site.

When you participate to an event, SwissILO processes your contact details and other personal data you provided, for the purpose of managing the event and contacting you, including to invite you to similar events. This processing is necessary to the contract and relies on the legitimate interest of SwissILO to invite you to further events. You can oppose at any time if you do not want to receive an invitation.

SwissILO processes contact details of individuals and representatives of legal entities who have business relations with SwissILO for the purpose of getting in touch with them. This processing relies on the legitimate interest of SwissILO to inform and exchange with its partners.

Personal data may be shared with data processors, mostly IT service providers. They are bound by an obligation of confidentiality and SwissILO instructions.

International transfer
Persona data is processed in Switzerland and potentially in other countries as the Site uses Google tools ( i.e. Google Analytics) for traffic statistics.

When allowed or required by law, or when necessary to defend SwissILO’s interests or with your consent, your personal data may be shared with third parties, for example at the request of judicial authorities.

Personal data related to the Site are deleted a year after their collection. Personal data related to the participation to an event are deleted two years after the event, except for contact data that are retained for two years since the last contact (event, email, etc.). Personal data can be retained for a longer period of time with your consent or if required or authorized by applicable laws.

You have the right to inquire about the personal data held by SwissILO about you and to receive a copy thereof, as well as to request an update, rectification, deletion and minimization of the processing of your personal data.
You may at any time withdraw your consent and have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, unless a legitimate interest justifying the data processing exists. You also have the right to data portability regarding the data that you have transmitted to SwissILO and that is processed with your consent or for the performance of a contract.
You may also refuse any use of your personal data for marketing purposes.
You may finally lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.

Revisions of Terms of Use, Privacy policy and Cookies

SwissILO may, at any time, revise this document by updating this page. The user is bound by these revisions and must therefore visit this page frequently to be aware of the changes.

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

Subject to the mandatory legal provisions, any use of the Site and any legal dispute resulting from or in connection with the connection to the Site are governed exclusively by Swiss law and must be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts in Lausanne, Switzerland.


During the first visit of the Site, a cookie is sent to the user’s computer in order to uniquely identify the browser.

A "cookie" is a small file that contains a string of characters and is sent to the user’s computer when the user visits a website.

SwissILO uses cookies to better serve the user when he returns to the Site, improve the quality of service offered and better understand how the Site is used. To do this, we store user preferences in cookies and track trends and patterns of visitors to the Site.

Most browsers are initially configured to accept cookies. It is possible to adjust the parameters of the browser to refuse all cookies or to be informed of the sending of a cookie. However, some features or services offered on the Site may not work properly without cookies.

Social plugins (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc…) refer to other websites that are not under the responsibility of SwissILO. Access to these sites and their use are at the risk of the user. The information and services offered by these sites are entirely the responsibility of their authors.

The plugins are recognizable via the logo of the corresponding social network.

All the plugins used are configured according to the procedure in 2 clicks. The corresponding plugins will be activated only when the user clicks on the provider icon.

When the user consults a page of the Site containing an activated plugin, the browser creates a direct connection with the providers’ servers. The content of the plugin is transmitted directly by the provider to the browser and integrated into the page and some information will be transmitted to the third party provider and will be saved by the latter.

If the user is not a member of the social networks concerned, it is still possible that they get and save their IP address via the social plugin. If the user is connected to one of the social networks, third-party providers may assign the visit of our Site to the personal profile of the user in the social network. When the user interacts with the plugins, for example by pressing the "Like", "Twitter" or "Instagram" button, the information will also be directly transmitted to a server of the third party provider and will be saved. The information will also be published on the account of the user’s social network and shown to his contacts.

If the user wishes to prevent Google, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram allocates the data collected via the Site to his personal profile in the corresponding social network, he must disconnect from the latter before visiting the Site.

Lausanne, June 9, 2023